#BobbyJindalisSoWhite that for him color and race don’t exist.

#bobbyjindalissowhite is trending on Twitter in India. Why should Indians concern themselves with Jindal’s election bid at all? They are happy to accept an Italian born-and-brought-up woman (Sonia Gandhi) as an Indian and some even puff-up their chests when Sonia, in her broken Hindi, says that she’s Indian; but when a US-born Bobby Jindal says that he doesn’t like the hyphenated term Indian-American and thinks that he should be called an American instead…what makes the Indian Twitterati go all atwitter?

Until the color of our skins, our race, and our religion stop mattering altogether, the world will remain racist and intolerant. The fact remains that we need more people who are willing to ask, “Am I not White?” Because any artist knows that White is made of all the colors of a rainbow – and each of us – even the darkest of browns is need to maintain the purity of light, which is white.

An artist, for reasons best known to him, decides to bleach Jindal’s skin and creates a rather drab portrait of him – and the whole world begins to assume that Jindal is ashamed of his skin color. I don’t see what convoluted reasoning could bring about this conclusion.

While the Twitterati cries itself hoarse over #BobbyJindalisSoWhite, here’s he – an exotic caramel-chocolate brown.

Caricature Portrait of Bobby Jindal - Louisiana Governor and Republican President hopeful  for the 2016 Elections.

American is a Nationality, not a skin-color!


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3 thoughts on “#BobbyJindalisSoWhite that for him color and race don’t exist.

  1. sukrithi June 26, 2015 at 2:45 pm Reply

    Reblogged this on Genesis of Tomorrow.


  2. Nancy J July 5, 2015 at 3:30 pm Reply

    I think that I have said this before but I’ll say it again. Bobby Jindal was born in the United States. That makes him an American by birth. When we put labels on Americans…..like Indian-American……..Italian-American…….African-American……we put them into a category. I think that those very categories segregate people and further divide them. This country is becoming too divided and I fear for what may happen if that division continues to grow. I applaud Bobby Jindal’s decision to think of himself as just an American because he is an American. When my ancestors and my husbands ancestors immigrated to this country in the early 1900s, they changed their names after they arrived here to make them sound more American. They weren’t interested in being known as Polish-Americans or Swedish-Americans…..they became just plain Americans. And most of them never returned to the country of their origin either…….ever. This is a great country……even with all of its faults. God bless America !

    Liked by 1 person

    • Shafali July 5, 2015 at 11:32 pm Reply

      I totally agree with you. I respect Bobby Jindal for his spunk, because a huge segment of the herd (Indian-Americans and even Pakistani-Americans) are going after him with their daggers drawn. They take it as an insult to the Indian-American crowd and say that he does it because he is ashamed of his heritage. While his second term has given people many other reasons to bring down the house on him, they still cling to this old, worn, and very flimsy reason. It will be interesting to see what happens next.


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